For over a year, I have been posting my thoughts on organic chemistry issues from both academic and industrial perspectives. While the press emerging from many news agencies tends to be negative, I choose to view the chemical industries from a broader and more optimistic perspective. I view these philosophies as both realistic and necessary. After all, if chemistry touches almost every aspect of daily life, it seems illogical that this industry, while suffering in the current economy, will disappear. Furthermore, negative press may tend to dissuade younger individuals from pursuing careers in the life sciences. Through my efforts, I endeavor to convince students that the future will present many new and exciting opportunities.
While this blog generally reflects my thoughts and opinions on subjects I choose to address, I also want to speak to issues important to others. In this vein, I ask you to send me questions and/or concerns relevant to the scope of this blog. I look forward to your queries and the discussions that will follow.